Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Did you know??

Many of you may have seen the recent news about Nancy Reagan’s recent fall. Luckily, Marco Rubio has quick reflexes and he caught her. As this news report indicates, many adults are not so fortunate in avoiding serious consequences resulting from this very common occurrence. Age-related muscle loss and balance issues are part of the equation.

Did you know Menorah Park has several programs that help lower the risk of falls?
· Balance Therapy at the Peter B Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center helps people become more sure-footed.
o       Balance Therapy Specialists with expertise in balance solutions pinpoint the challenges with sophisticated equipment and give the motivation and support needed to resolve the issues through individualized one-to-one therapy approaches.
o       Free balance checks are available by appointment to address any concerns a person may have. The therapist thoroughly evaluates balance, makes recommendations and will even communicate with the personal physician if that is requested.
· Occupational therapists work with adults in post-hospital rehab and outpatient rehab in real-life settings so that they can practice activities typical in their daily routines and make adjustments when needed to move more safely and reduce their fall risks. This includes a full-sized apartment with kitchen and laundry room, and a car.
· Our Aging Resources Center provides helpful tips in many areas including safety pointers to reduce accident risks at home.
· Our Adaptive Living Shoppe – M Pal has several helpful products to support safety and reduce fall risks. Physical and Occupational Therapists are available to make recommendations based on the individual challenges.
In honor of National Fall Prevention Day, The Peter B. Lewis Aquatic & Therapy Center is holding an event filled with interesting prevention programs on Friday, September 23rd.

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